Syria - Jabhat al-Nusra crackdown in Idlib

AX INTEL BULLETIN: Jabhat al-Nusra crackdown in Idlib
DATE: 14MAR2016

Ten days ago, under the relative calm of Syria’s cessation of hostilities, hundreds of civilians gathered in the Idlib town of Maarat al-Numan to celebrate the continuation of their populist revolution. For the first time in many months, the world heard Syrian people peacefully protesting in favor of change: “the people are one, and united, the revolution continues!” they chanted, while waving the three star revolutionary flag made popular by the moderate Free Syrian Army (FSA). Similar demonstrations took place in over 100 other towns across the country that day, in a stark reminder to the world that five years of being brutally suppressed by their own government had not defeated their zeal for…

Yemen - Cease fire ends today

AX INTEL BULLETIN: Yemen - Cease fire ends today
DATE: 23APR2020

The two-week cease-fire declared by Saudi Arabia on 09APR is due to expire on April 23, not coincidentally the anticipated start of the holy month of Ramadan. The Saudis asserted at the outset that they were motivated by a desire to re-focus energies on combatting the threat of coronavirus in Yemen…

Cyberwar - Iranian Naksha Warriors

AX INTEL ANALYSIS: Cyberwar - Iranian Naksha Warriors

Blurring the lines between the physical world and the online one, the Iranian group known as the “Nakhsa Warriors” remains cloaked in mystery. Their identity and status are unclear. Are they a military force that carries out operations, an online group of like-minded individuals that share content, part of an Iranian disinformation campaign — or perhaps something else altogether?

Shiite vs Sunni? Who's the bad guy?

sunni shia
Let no one misunderstand - the war we currently fight is against radical, militant islam. Our government won’t admit that at the executive level, but that doesn’t change the facts on the ground. Read More...

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